Sunday, September 8, 2013

Reflection of Week 9/8/13

     This week was the second week of school and it was pretty cool. I had a decent amount of quizzes and tests. On top of that, there was an abundance of homework. But I was able to handle it and eventually, finishing the large work load will seem like nothing.
     Nothing really interesting happened this week but Friday was actually kind of fun. In my 7th period world studies class, we had to bring in an article to discuss in class. I didn't want to share my story but I ended up sharing it anyway. It was about this vigilante in Mexico who was killing bus drivers to avenge the women who had been raped at foreign assembly plants. I was surprised when my story led to an all out discussion whether it was right for the woman to have taken the law into her own hands. It was funny because so many people were so serious about it.
     The rest of the day was pretty boring but after school, I had to go to my graduation ceremony for my completion of a journalism program I did over the summer. It wasn't a huge event so I just had my parents and my uncle come. My sister was at work so she couldn't come. But the ceremony was really nice and I got to see my friends from the program.
     For the rest of the weekend, I watched football, did my homework, and got ready for next week.

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