Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Nobel Literature Prize Speech

I don’t want to sound conceited or anything, but I have to be one of the luckiest guys in the world. I honestly still can’t believe I won this award. A lot of people might not think the Nobel Literature Prize is anything special. I mean it is a Nobel Prize after all. It’s just not as popular as other awards. But that doesn't change the fact that this is an award that I've been dreaming about getting for as long as I can remember. Winning the Nobel Literature Prize to me was like winning an Oscar or a Grammy for anyone one else.
The only thing I regret is that I won this award for a book that I didn't even think was my best work. Don’t get me wrong though. I had fun writing Until the End of Time. But when I finished writing the book, I felt like there were too many loose ends and that the reader would walk away feeling disappointed and kind of peeved that they spent thirty bucks on such a let down of a book. That’s why I was so surprised when my publisher told me that he loved the book. That’s when I knew the book wasn't so bad because my publisher will let me know how bad my stuff is. I actually really have to thank my publisher for the work he does as well. He really has helped me improve my writing. And he’s not the only one. My family has been the most supporting people while I’m writing. They are the one’s that keep me from tossing that story I've balled up because I think it’s not good. They urge me to take a second look at my work and keep working at it. That’s exactly what happened. I balled up Until the End of Time and got ready to toss it. But I didn't because of the people that believe I can improve anything I do. And a few years after my book was published, some movie directors came up to me and said that they wanted to make a movie out of it. My book. The one that I was so close to throwing in the trash. Of course, all of the action described in my book translated well to the big screen. And now, I’m here, accepting this award. But honestly, it would feel a lot better winning this award for one of my other novels. Poetry and short stories were always my main focus and I took a leap of faith with Until the End of Time. Writing it was so out of my comfort zone. But I can’t complain because the journey to get where I am has been both rewarding and difficult. It consisted of nothing but practice and commitment, for that was the only way I could become the best author I could be; even though I still believe that the book I won this award for was not my best.

I know I mentioned thanks to my family and my publisher for supporting throughout my writing career and I hope that they continue to support me. However, there is another person, better yet group of people I would like to give my thanks to. I just wanted to say thank you to the readers for supporting me as well. Without you guys, no one would know about my book. No one might even know about any of my books if it wasn't for you. All of you definitely keep me in business and you guys inspire me to be a better writer so that I can create better stories for you to read. Basically what I’m trying to say is: if you keep reading, I’ll keep writing. Thank you for the support and thank you for allowing me to accept such a prestigious award like the Nobel Literature Prize. Good night.

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