Sunday, March 30, 2014

3/30/14 Reflection

This week was pretty cool. But Monday was horrible. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. It’s just that I had such a fun weekend and now I have to go back to school. So yeah Monday was a drag. The rest of the week was alright. The 3rd quarter was ending, so everybody was scrambling to make sure that their grades would be OK. All my grades were good. I was a little worried about my Chemistry grade but after certain assignments were finally but in the grade book, my grade went up so I was all good. There was a birthday dinner on Saturday. I didn't do anything else for the weekend. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Reflection 3/23/14

This week was pretty decent. Apparently report cards come out next week. I’m doing pretty well in all my classes. The only class I’m really worried about is Chemistry. The quiz I took in that class determines if I get an A or a B. This didn’t go as fast as last week but it was still cool because of the game. Since I was getting a ride downstate, I got to leave during the beginning of 6th period instead of 7th. It was crazy when we won on Friday. Everybody went outside of the arena and went wild. Saturday’s game was fun too, especially since we won, but there weren’t as many people there was before.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Reflection 3/16/14

This week was alright. It went by pretty fast but it was tiring as well. I had a lot to do and a lot of stuff to balance. My classes are pretty decent. I’m doing alright in Geometry. I just took a test in that class and I’m waiting to see how I did. I have an extra credit opportunity in Spanish that I’m trying to do. All my other classes are pretty good. I’m just glad that the weekend came and I got a little break. I just have to do the same thing next week. Spring break needs to get here already.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Reflection 3/10/14

     This week was decent, but it was tiring. Monday and Tuesday I had practice for lacrosse at 6 A.M. It did wear me down a bit but I can’t complain because I’m getting better at the sport every day.

     I’m doing pretty well in school. I just have to make sure that I’m keeping my grades up while juggling all these extracurricular activities and what not. By the time the weekend came, I was exhausted. But for once, I didn't have anything to do on Saturday, so I got to sleep in. The rest of the weekend was pretty chill. I just have to start again Monday. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Reflection 3/2/14

This week was alright. I missed a few days because I was sick. Although I felt horrible, it was pretty good to get away from school for a couple of days. However, when I got better and went back to school, I wish that I didn't. Missing two days of school meant that I missed two days of work as well. During the two days, there were three quizzes in three different classes. I had to present a project as well. And I wasn't even feeling one hundred percent better. The worst part is that I’m still behind with some stuff.