Sunday, November 24, 2013

Reflection 11/24/13

This week was decent. Nothing really interesting happened. It was a regular week. I did have a few quizzes and tests and whatnot. Some I did better on than others. But I guess the highlight of the week was watching the Half the Sky documentary in my World Studies class. It really opened my eyes to how bad thing were in other countries and how the oppression of women is even worse. It was actually pretty interesting to watch. The only downside is that we have to write an essay about it too. So I worked on that over the weekend and worked on the music video for English as well.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Reflection 11/18/13

Reflection 11/18/13

This week was pretty cool. We didn't come back until Wednesday so I got some extra time to sleep. I didn't do much over the time off though. Tuesday was report card pickup. I wasn't worried or anything though. I had been doing what I needed to do in all of my classes and my grades were good. The only class I was worried about was Chemistry, but I ended up pulling a B in that class as well as World Studies. I just have to make sure that I keep those grades up. I didn't do much this weekend either. It was only because I had extracurricular programs to go to and stuff. I ended Sunday by watching football so it was a pretty good weekend.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Reflection 11/10/13

Reflection 11/10/13

This week was decent I guess. I had a lot of tests and that kind of sucked. I did pretty well on them so I can’t really complain. There was a meeting for new lacrosse players on Thursday so I went to that. It was pretty cool. On Friday, I was kind of tired so I stayed at home. On Saturday, there was this editorial board meeting I had to go to. It’s only three hours and the people over there are cool. After the board meeting, I hung out with some of my friends at Dave and Busters. We were laughing at everything the whole time. It was pretty fun. On Sunday, I just watched football for the whole day.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Reflection 11/3/13

Reflection 11/3/13

     This week was decent, especially since it was a shorter week. One of the best thins about this week was that I passed the state driver education exam so that now I can get my permit. I can’t wait to drive and it’s good knowing that I’m a step closer to getting my license.
     Thursday, which was Halloween was kind of fun as well. Some of my friends came over after school and we went around my neighborhood scaring people. It was pretty funny until security came and told us to stop. My friends and I were cool about the whole thing because it wasn't a big deal but even after we were walking back to my house, the officers still followed us.

     The rest of the weekend was okay.